Community Guidelines

Welcome to musictaste, where we embrace the diverse tapestry of musical expression and cultivate a community built on respect. Our guidelines are designed to foster a welcoming environment where every member feels valued and safe to express themselves musically.

  • Be respectful and considerate of others' opinions. Diverse backgrounds, preferences and ideas are what makes musictaste a great place for everyone. Don't organise, participate or encourage harassment of others or making unwelcome, aggressive or inappropriate remarks at others. Don't promote, engage in or incite hate speech or discrimination based on attributes such as race, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, religion or disability.
  • Don't be malicious or conduct malicious acts. Don't make threats of violence, threaten to harm others or impersonate others, including any indirect threats. Don't request or attempt to solicit personal identifiable information from others.
  • Let us know if something is off. The musictaste team reviews every feedback or report we receive. We reserve the right to remove any content that we consider to be offensive, harmful, unlawful, graphic or have the potential to harm others. When these guidelines are violated, we may revoke, terminate or suspend the offending account(s).
  • musictaste has, and will always have, a strong community focus. As the community grows and develops, these guidelines and how they are enforced are updated to make sure musictaste remains to be a welcoming, interesting and overall fun place to express musical personalities. Thanks for being a part of this journey with us.

    Yours, the musictaste team 💞.